Beautiful couple who met in an airport. Just like in the movies. They were so in love. I had the privilege of being the second shooter at this wedding with Ashley Carson. She is such a great photographer, and it is so much fun working with her!
How fun this cute little family was to photograph! Bless their hearts for sticking it out in the 100 degree weather! As hot as it was, they were such troopers! These photos really show the realness of these 3!
Everyone always asks me, "What do we wear?" You look at these pictures, and you probably don't even notice what these kids are wearing in these shots. Do you? You see the love they have for each other & the fun they are enjoying. All you see is that they are living in the moment! That's what it's all about. That is what I want to remember in 10 years! Not what they were wearing. Please don't stress yourself out about going all over the state to find the perfect outfit for photo day. It's about the memories. These shots were obviously not planned, but I couldn't be happier with how they turned out. And, they were perfect for me to use as an example to those of you who are contemplating what to put on your children. I'll leave you with this quote by Leonardo Da Vinci.